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  • Nederlandse M-38 Helm
    Nederlandse M-38 Helm

    Een na de oorlog doorgedragen Nederlandse M38 helm van een harde bijstandseenheid uit de periode 1947-1959.

    € 150,00
  • Helikopter Piloten Helm
    Helikopter Piloten Helm


    Deze helmen werden gebruikt in de Alouette II helikopter vanaf de jaren 50.

    Deze helmen werden nog steeds gedragen door Franse piloten in Libanon.

    € 225,00
  • Czechoslovakia Helmet Model VZ 32
    Czechoslovakia Helmet Model VZ 32

    Helmet worn by soldiers of the Slovak Army who fought on the Eastern Front during WWII.Original brown factory paint, with a Slovak cross on each side with a wide blue paint band at the base of the helmet. The leather liner is…

    € 375,00
  • M1  Helm
    M1 Helm

    V.D.N. 90/1

    Staalhelm N.O.S.

    € 140,00
  • M1 Helm
    M1 Helm

    V.D.N. 90/1

    Steelhelmet N.O.S.

    € 140,00
  • Onbekende Helm
    Onbekende Helm

    Dit is GEEN M-30 helm uit Tsjechoslowakije.

    € 125,00
  • Amerikaanse PASGT  Helmovertrek "Woodland"
  • Nederlandse Landmacht Kevlar Helmovertrek "Desert"
  • M35 Noorse Helm E.F.66
    M35 Noorse Helm E.F.66

    Zeer interessante naoorlogse opnieuw uitgegeven Duitse M35 stalen helm voor het Noorse leger. Deze helmen worden steeds moeilijker te vinden omdat verzamelaars ze vaak strippen en gebruiken voor onderdelen en restauratie van…

    € 375,00
  • Belgian Issue M71 Paratrooper Helmet.
    Belgian Issue M71 Paratrooper Helmet.

    This is a rare variation of the German produced M71 Paratroop/Airborne helmet for the Belgian army, Belgium purchased the same M71 type helmet from the German firm Schuberth, that was producing these for the West-German federal…

    € 150,00
  • German Helmet Steel Model GSG 9
    German Helmet Steel Model GSG 9

    The Grenzschutzgruppe 9 der Bundespolizei ( GSG 9 ) are a counter terrorism,hostage rescue and special operations police unit of the German Federal Police... There counterpart at the state level are the special deployment…

    € 675,00
  • Italian M42 - 60 Paratrooper Helmet
    Italian M42 - 60 Paratrooper Helmet

    Camouflage Cover with mesh for leaves, with four wooden nuts, which are inserted into the special holes in the leather part.

    € 225,00
  • Zweedse M37-65 Helm
    Zweedse M37-65 Helm

    The M-37 helmet is a military steel combat helmet used by Swedish armed forces. Replacing the M-21 helmet, the M-37 would be modernized in 1965 with an updated liner.

    € 110,00
  • Nederlandse M40C Helm
    Nederlandse M40C Helm

    Doorgedragen bij het Korps Rijkspolitie.

    € 150,00
  • German / Austrian Duckbill M33 Police Helmet
    German / Austrian Duckbill M33 Police Helmet

    You would be forgiven for thinking that this helmet was a German First World War Stalhhelm. Its design was indeed copied from the M1917 however it is made from lighter metal and features a similar leather liner to WW2 German…

    € 275,00
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